Saturday, September 22, 2007


One lovely Saturday afternoon Bryce, Dallin, and Caitlin decided to do facials together, just take a look!


Anonymous said...

It was worth the wait. Keep 'em coming. -Daniel

P.S. Did you wax too?

Dave Heywood said...

Um...OK! That was weird -dave

The Real Jim Heywood said...

This is the manliest thing I've seen you guys do in a long time!

Keep up the posts.

joeheywood said...

I never knew you.

The Cahoons! said...

I hope this was Kaitlyn's idea!

Anonymous said...

Ya I wouldn't do that anymore. And if you do, don't post it. I'm gonna go sing a hymn now.


Bryan & Bobbie said...

Hey, Bobbie and I do that sometimes. It feels great on the skin.